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Intruder Outbound - U.s.s. Enterprise Aircraft Carrier And A - 6a Intruder By William Phillips
Intruder Inbound - U.S.S. Enterprise Aircraft Carrier by William Phillips
The painting occurs at the start of "Red" McDaniels 81st Vietnam combat mission in 1967, taking off from the aircraft carrier USS "Enterprise" from the South China Sea in an A-6 Intruder. It was an Alpha Strike which means a full press. It was on this mission that he was shot down. McDaniel was shot down while flying an A-6A Intruder aircraft (buno 152594) on May 19th 1967 during an Alpha strike on Văn Điển, south of Hanoi, in North Vietnam during Operation Rolling Thunder. He was held captive for six years. What makes him special is how he survived the torture of his captivity.
When he returned home, he was awarded the Navy's highest award for bravery, the Navy Cross. Among his other military decorations are two Silver Stars, three Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts for wounds received at the hands of his torturers.
Captain McDaniel resumed active duty as Commanding Officer of the USS "Niagara Falls" and Commanding Officer of the USS "Lexington" aircraft carrier. He then served as Director of Navy/Marine Corps Liaison to the U. S. House of Representatives from 1979 to 1981. He retired from the Navy in 1982. Print was released: November 1991.
Countersigner: Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel.
Intruder Inbound - Aircraft Carrier by William Phillips is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition of only 1,000 art prints with a 18-1/4 x 28 image size priced $225 unframed.
Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. All prints have been hand signed by the artist. Artist William Phillips painted a American A-6 Intruder taking off from the USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier in the Vietnam War in art prints for sale. Vietnam and aviation painted in artwork.
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Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print LOW INVENTORY! | 18-1/4 x 28 Image Size | 1000 | $225.00 |
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