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Moon Rovers - Astronauts By Alan Bean
Moonrovers - Astronauts by Alan Bean
"Astronaut Jim Irwin is doing just what tourists do the world around, taking snapshots of the wonderful and exotic places he is visiting. In this photograph, he is immortalizing his partner, Apollo 15 crew commander Dave Scott, proudly riding in their new car, the lunar rover. This is not just any car. This car is special, a genuine first edition, the first car on the Moon. Because there is no atmosphere up here, it cannot use a gasoline engine. Two large batteries power four small one-quarter horsepower electric motors, each about the size of a handyman's electric drill, one driving each wheel. Looking like a stripped down dune buggy, it weighs 462 pounds on Earth but only 77 Moon pounds. In fact, Jim and Dave will occasionally just lift it up and turn it around rather than drive in reverse. There is no way they can turn around in their stiff space suits to see where they would be going. The rover can reach speeds of about 6 miles per hour on level ground with battery power for more than 60 miles of driving. The tires are of woven piano wire. The TV camera and umbrella-like antenna beam pictures of their activities back to Earth.
"Later today, Jim and Dave will take a two-hour drive to the brink of a canyon and to the dusty base of a moon mountain. Jim will say: "The ride is bouncy and rolling, a combination of a bucking bronco and a rowboat in a rough sea." Dave will remember, "It's a sporty job to drive and not to run into craters." They will cover 6 miles on this first of three drives - much more than the 3 miles covered by all of us who came before. We were moon rovers, too; but only pedestrians..” ~ Alan Bean
Moon Rovers - Astronauts by Alan Bean - Astronauts by Alan Bean is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition print with a 26 x 17-3/4 vertical image size for sale priced at $295 unframed. VERY LOW SUPPLY!
Order yours today before they are gone. All artwork is professionally boxed and fully insured guaranteed to arrive in mint condition $295. LOW INVENTORY!
The artists is an astronaut, Captain Alan Bean was the lunar module pilot on Apollo 12, the fourth man to walk on the moon and commander of Skylab 2. “I am fortunate enough to have seen sights no other artist ever has,” Bean says. In this painting he an astronaut taking photos on the moon. In the distance you can see mother earth. Astronauts in art prints and paintings painted by Astronaut Alan Bean.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 26 x 17-3/4 Image Size | 550 | $295.00 | |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Artist Proof Print | 26 x 17-3/4 Image Size | Artist Proof | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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