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Painting Apollo: First Artist On Another World - Diptych By Alan Bean
Painting Apollo: First Artist on Another World - Diptych by Alan Bean
In the summer of 2010, the world celebrated the 40th Anniversary of man’s first walk on the moon and your Greenwich Workshop Authorized Dealer has a room full of historic open and limited edition fine art at their fingertips for your gift giving and home or office display. Greenwich Workshop Artist and Apollo Astronaut Alan Bean was the subject of a one-man show at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum featuring forty of Bean’s original drawings and paintings from July 16, 2009 until January 13, 2010. Some of these Apollo inspired paintings are available in fine art limited editions, many with historic countersigners in addition to Astronaut and Artist Alan Bean.
In July 2009, Smithsonian Books published "Painting Apollo: First Artist on Another World," to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The Greenwich Workshop produced this very limited Collectors Edition diptych and signed, slip cased book. Artist Alan Bean’s diptych portrays Apollo 11’s Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as they erect and salute the American flag on the surface of the Moon. It is a moment that will live in history forever, and in the collective memories of the millions of people who saw it live on television. There was so much to celebrate! We, the United States of America, had won a very real race to show which country could land men on the Moon and return them safely to Earth. This amazing achievement demonstrated the collective will and capability of over 400,000 American men and women doing their jobs with care and precision.
Painting Apollo: First Artist on Another World - Diptych by Alan Bean - Hardcover Book and Two Canvas's of Astronauts by Alan Bean was released in July of 2009 as a hard cover book with a with the two canvas prints (each canvas has a 13 x 16 image size) priced at $695 unframed. LOW SUPPLY!
Order yours today before they are gone. All artwork is professionally boxed and fully insured guaranteed to arrive in mint condition.
Two canvas prints make up this impressive image. The artist is an astronaut, Captain Alan Bean was the lunar module pilot on Apollo 12, the fourth man to walk on the moon and commander of Skylab 2. “I am fortunate enough to have seen sights no other artist ever has,” Bean says. A great book about astronauts and the moon. Astronauts in art prints and paintings painted by Astronaut Alan Bean.
COLLECTOR'S EDITION includes: "A Distant Celebration" Diptych (Two canvas's make up one Image):
(above left:) "Rendering Honors" 13" x 16" initialed by artist
(above right:) "Planting Our Colors" 13" x 16" s/n plus the slip cased book "Painting Apollo: First Artist on Another World" with contributors including renown art critic Donald Kuspit and NASA Flight Director Eugene Kranz. Trim size: 11 x 10, 224 pages, 107 paintings. with a specially designed tip in sheet signed by the artist. limited to 225 signed and numbered.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Two - Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Canvas's and Hardcover Book | 16 x 13 Image Size on each canvas | 225 | $695.00 | |
Two- Signed And Numbered Limited Artist Proof Edition Canvas's and Hardcover Book | 16 x 13 Image Size on each canvas | Artist Proof | $995.00 |
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