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Those Last Critical Moments - Aircraft Carrier By William Phillips
Those Last Critical Moments - USS Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier by William Phillips
Carrier qualifications aboard the USS "Kitty Hawk" are a time of stress and anticipation for all concerned. Set against a deepening Pacific sunset, the air group perform touch and go's in order to sharpen skills that will be needed for the upcoming cruise. This is a time of taut nerves, bone jarring traps and instant "G" forces on the cat stroke. A time when those last critical moments can mean success or failure and in some cases, death. The carrier environment is one of the most dangerous in the world.
Against the peaceful backdrop of a Pacific sunset, clouds drift lazily along but in the foreground this idyllic setting is broken as an A-7 Corsair takes the forward cat stroke and the crew of an F-14 Tomcat experience those last critical moments prior to a successful trap. Meanwhile, the huge mass of the carrier moves forward leaving a churning wake to mark its passage. A wake that will soon be devoured by the vastness of the sea.
The carrier environment is one of the most dangerous in the world. Planes come in at full power; if the cable does not arrest the plane, called trapping, the aircraft must immediately take off again. When an aircraft takes off from a carrier deck, a forward catapult, called a cat stroke adds to the forward momentum of the plane. Whether taking off or landing, the last moments are indeed critical and aircrews must continually re qualify for carrier work.
I was not prepared for the incredible noise, constant activity and the smell of hot metal and jet fuel. It was a formidable assault on the senses. To capture the tension and anticipation , In this fine art print I placed a F-14 Tomcat being launched from a forward catapult and another F-14 just prior to the completion of a successful trap on the carrier Kitty Hawk against the idyllic backdrop of a Pacific sunset. ~ William Phillips
Those Last Critical Moments - Aircraft Carrier by William Phillips is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition of only 1,250 paper art prints with a 19-1/2 x 26-1/4 image size and is for sale for $1,400 unframed. LAST ONE!
They can be ordered framed or unframed. We are a full service custom frame shop and can build a design to meet any style or budget. Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. All prints have been hand signed by the artist. Artist William Phillips painted a American F-14 Tomcat landing on the USS Kitty Hawk Aircraft Carrier in art prints for sale. Naval and aviation painted in artwork. This painting was Released: September 1987 as a Signed and Numbered Limited Edition Print.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 19-1/2 x 26-1/4 Image Size | 1250 | $1,400.00 |
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