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And Now The Trap - U.s.s. Hornet Aircraft Carrier By William Phillips
And Now The Trap - Aircraft Carrier by William Phillips
It is 1945 in the Pacific and the Allies are in the final days of the war. Three F-6 Hellcats are returning to the USS "Hornet" aircraft carrier (CV-8) after a routine patrol. They still have their tanks on, showing that they didn't meet any opposition while on patrol. Now, "the trap" is when they arrest aboard the carrier.
The sun rays are coming from behind the clouds to represent hope. There's more of a golden feel as opposed to the reds of war. Gold is symbolic of wealth or something earned, like a trophy, so the gold in this image is symbolic of getting close to winning the war.
But there's still some tension and suspense, in both the title and the painting. It's always a tense time when you land on a carrier and it was a tense time at the end of the war because nothing was definite. The majority of the patrol is over as was the majority of the war, but still there were two important last things to do. For the planes, it was "the trap." For the military as a whole, it was winning the war. This WWII World War 2 fine art print was released: March 1993.
Canvas - And Now The Trap - U.S.S. Hornet Aircraft by William Phillips is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition of only 75 canvas's with a 18 x 27 image size and is for sale for $395 unframed.
Pull the trigger and order yours today!!! All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. Artist William Phillips painted some American A-6 Hellcats flying in front of the USS Hornet Aircraft Carrier in World War 2 WWII art prints for sale.
Use the search box located on every page of our website, type the name AIRCRAFT CARRIER on our search box to browse through a fleet of other choices of prints and canvas's with aircraft carrier's in them.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 20 x 30 Image Size | 850 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Giclee Canvas | 18 x 27 Image Size | 75 | $395.00 |
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