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In Flight - Astronauts By Alan Bean
In Flight - Astronauts by Alan Bean
"As Apollo XIV astronauts Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell were winding up their second moonwalk, Al turned toward the television camera. “Houston,” he said, “you might recognize what I have in my right hand as the handle for the Contingency Return Sample. It just so happens to have a genuine six iron attached to the end. In my left hand, I have two little white pellets that are familiar to millions of Americans.” He then dropped one ball to the moon’s surface."
"Al faced the ball and started a modified back swing. The Apollo space suit made smooth arm and hand motion impossible and Al just topped the ball. It rolled into a small crater a few yards away. Ed Mitchell observed, “Hey, you got more dirt than ball that time.”
"As the whole world watched on television, Al dropped the second ball. “Well, here we go again,” he said and took his best swing. Dirt and dust flew, the ball disappeared and Al exclaimed, “Miles and miles and miles!” ~ Alan Bean
Counter-signers: Apollo astronauts Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell and Stuart Roosa.
In Flight - Astronauts by Alan Bean was released in May of 1992 as a signed and numbered limited edition print with a 12-1/2 x 19 image size for sale priced at $___ unframed!
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The artists is an astronaut, Captain Alan Bean was the lunar module pilot on Apollo 12, the fourth man to walk on the moon and commander of Skylab 2. “I am fortunate enough to have seen sights no other artist ever has,” Bean says. In this painting he painted a couple astronauts on the surface of the moon. Astronauts in art prints and paintings painted by Astronaut Alan Bean.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 12-1/2 x 19 Image Size | 850 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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