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Gatekeeper - House Wren By Robert Bateman

Gatekeeper by Robert Bateman

"This is the gate to one of the original Bateman farms. It was the next farm to my father's and belonged to his uncle. It is still an operating farm, in Bateman hands. I like to think of my father as a boy, opening the gate and going through to the barn, perhaps to join his cousins in helping with the haying. Undoubtedly on that day, the ancestor of this little wren would be scolding the intruder or exuberantly singing an ode to his territory."

"The house wren, male and female, are indistinguishable to my eyes though presumably not to their eyes. But the male does the singing. The song is described as rolling, rattling, bubbling, liquid trills generally seeming to descend. To me it is the unmusical music of a spring day in the rural countryside. To me, it is the unmusical music of a spring day in the rural countryside. It is entirely bucolic. The female does the scolding and I am told the picking of the "house". This house can be a old tin can, a hole in a apple tree or, as in one of my favorite Audubon prints, a discarded hat. however, generations of bird lovers have eagerly built bird houses which are almost as eagerly accepted by those little birds. actually, the male may do some scolding as well; it is hard for me to tell. At any rate, the busy pair are metaphorical gatekeepers to their territory and they declare it in their own way." ~ Robert Bateman

Gate Keeper - House Wren by Robert Bateman is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition print. They have a 12 x 17 image size and are priced at $90 unframed.

Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. All prints have been hand signed by the artist.

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Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print 12 x 17 Image Size 1500 $90.00

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