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German Shorthaired Pointer By Owen Gromme
German Shorthaired Pointer by Owen Gromme
A lone male German Shorthair retriever is locked on point in this great hunting dog and upland game bird art print for sale. The breed is streamlined yet powerful with strong legs that make it able to move rapidly and turn quickly. It has moderately long floppy ears set high on the head. Its muzzle is long, broad, and strong, allowing it to retrieve even heavy game.
German Shorthair Pointer by Owen Gromme is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition of only 850 art prints with a 16-1/2 x 25 image size priced at $95 unframed.
Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. Wildlife artist Owen Gromme painted a Shorthaired Pointer pointing towards a bird near a corer fence post. Hunting dogs and some Bobwhite quail in upland game bird artwork for sale for sale.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Singed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 16-1/2 x 25 Image Size | 850 | $95.00 |
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