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In The Highlands - Golden Eagle By Robert Bateman

In the Highlands - Golden Eagle by Robert Bateman

"The golden eagle is one of the most widespread birds in the world. He is found from Alaska to Nova Scotia and down to eastern Siberia and as far south as Morocco and Korea. His domain is wild and rugged country where he hunts over a wide territory. This territory is defended from all eagles, other large birds and even aircraft. Because of his size, he needs quite large prey and, therefore, many square miles in which to seek his prey. These are usually rabbits where obtainable. There are stories from the Scottish Highlands, in places where there are no rabbits, that two eagles might work together; one eagle distracts a sheep while the other makes off with a newborn lamb. This, however, is rare."

"I have shown this golden eagle in a typical pose on a high perch with a good view. The morning mist is still obscuring the landscape, making hunting impossible, but the sun is clearing the mist away, and soon the eagle will take to the wing and begin the day’s search for food." ~ Robert Bateman

In the Highlands - Golden Eagle by Robert Bateman is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition print with a 19-1/2 x 27-5/8 image size priced at $385 unframed. LAST ONE!

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Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print 19-1/2 x 27-5/8 Image Size 950 $385.00

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