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Lively Pair - Chickadees By Robert Bateman
Lively Pair - Chickadees by Robert Bateman
"The Chickadee seems to be a winter bird. This, of course, is not the case. The chickadee is a resident. When the leaves are on the trees, the chickadees are too busy with family matters and have no time to waste around your house. They are working over the forest trees for insect larvae to feed their young. If you are a birder you will more likely notice their presence in your area by the "spring soon" whistle rather than the "chick-a-dee-dee" which you commonly here in winter."
"But when winter comes, of course, it is a different story, especially of you have a feeding station. At our house they are the most common visitors. At times there are five to ten of them at the feeder. Sunflower seeds are their favorite. Since chickadees don't have the big seed-cracking bills of the finches, they hold the seeds between their toes and peck the shell open with their sharp, cervical beaks."
"This pair of chickadees is found with some white pine clusters and a sprig of wild American holly that lacks the prickly evergreen leaves." ~ Robert Bateman
Lively Pair - Chickadees by Robert Bateman is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition print with a 9-1/2 x 13-3/4 image size priced at $___ unframed.
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Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 9-1/2 x 13-3/4 Image Size | 950 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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