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Mini Mouser - Elf Owl Bronze Sculpture By Stefan Savides
Mini Mouser - Elf Owl Bronze Sculpture by Stefan Savides
A beautiful lost wax table top bronze sculpture of a Elf Owl resting on a branch.
The elf owl is a member of the owl family, that breeds in the southwestern United States and Mexico. It is the world's lightest owl. The body weight of this species is 1.4 ounces. They can often be heard calling to one another just after dusk or at sunset. Their call is a high-pitched chuckle.
Mini Mouser - Elf Owl by Stefan Savides is available for sale as a bronze sculpture with a 10-1/2" Height x 4" Width and 4" Depth priced at $1,500.
Order yours today, with only 35 in the edition they are sure to sell out. All orders are professionally crated and fully insured guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. Please email us a ship to address for a quote on shipping.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Limited Edition Bronze Sculpture | 10-1/2 Height x 4 Width x 4 Width | 35 | $1,500.00 |
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