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False Magic - Bronze Sculpture By James C. Christensen
False Magic - Bronze Sculpture by James C. Christensen
The bronze sculptures of James C. Christensen are as coveted by collectors as his fine art limited edition canvases and prints. Meticulously crafted and superbly detailed, these sculptures are sure to grace the lives of collectors for generations to come.
The Art of Bronze Making From concept to completion, it takes several months to create a bronze edition. Working from original drawings, James and master craftsmen model the sculpture in clay using traditional methods. Melted wax is poured into a silicone mold using the centuries old "lost wax" casting method. This wax casting is dipped in slurry, a silica compound, and is heated until the liquid wax burns out, leaving a rigid, heat-resistant "master" mold. Molten bronze is poured into the slurry mold and is carefully removed after cooling. Hours of hand-sanding clean and polish the bronze, and a variety of chemical patinas are applied to give the finished work subtle coloration's.
In the fantastic world of James C. Christensen’s paintings, fish are a symbol of magic and wisdom. “Their floating presence in the air reminds us that anything is possible,” says Christensen, “and those touched or surrounded by fish are considered truly blessed. When the fish don’t arrive, however, sometimes a person will take matters into his own hands, with compelling but less than convincing results.
“When The Greenwich Workshop first approached me about transforming False Magic into a bronze sculpture I was surprised, but it turned out to be a brilliant idea. As soon as we had constructed the rigging I knew it was going to be great; the creative work and art of many people have taken False Magic and made it real magic.” Meticulously crafted, superbly detailed and stunningly translated into three dimensions, this sculpture will provide real magic wherever it finds a home.
False Magic - Bronze Sculpture by James C. Christensen is available for sale as a limited edition bronze sculpture. They have a 14 wide x 20 tall size and are priced at $__.
Order your bronze today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Limited Edition Bronze Sculpture | 14 x 20 Size | 100 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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