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Tsitika And Her Son - Orca Whales By Robert Bateman
Tsitika and Her Son - Orca Whales by Robert Bateman
"We heard the orcas before we saw them. On the boat's hydrophone, their squeals, squeaks, whistles and sighs sounded as if they were echoing in a cavernous space. Finally, the mist lifted a little, and we saw a phalanx of black dorsal fins not too far off - a family pod. Then the mist swallowed them up again. Perhaps one of the pods we glimpsed on that magical day of whale-watching belonged to a whale researchers have named Tsitika, an orca matriarch whose life history has give me a glimpse into the orca world. Tsitika and her family belong to the northern resident population of British Columbia killer whales. They have a remarkable social system that we are just beginning to understand. We know for example, that this population is subdivided into clans, each one consisting of a number of closely related pods, communicating by means of a common set of sounds - a dialect. In this society, the children never leave home, so a typical pod is composed of a grandmother, her sons and daughters and several of her daughters' young children. As we learn to think of animals as distinct individuals, it seems to me that such knowledge must inevitably lead us to treat our fellow species on the planet with much greater respect." ~ Robert Bateman
Tsitika and Her Son by Robert Bateman is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition print with a 21-1/2 x 32-1/2 image size priced at $___ unframed.
Canvas - Tsitika and Her Son by Robert Bateman is also available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition giclee canvas with a larger 28 x 42 image size priced at $1,495 unframed.
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Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 21-1/2 x 32-1/2 Image Size | 1500 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Giclee Canvas | 28 x 42 Image Size | 180 | $1,495.00 |
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