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Zf Beauties And The Beasts By John Banovich Framed
Beauties And The Beasts By John Banovich“Viewing from lake Makat in NgoroNgoro Crater when the flamingos are in full concert is an absolutely magnificent sight. The greater and lesser flamingos flock in by the thousands. The lesser (the pink and smaller of the two) are exclusive to soda lakes and feed on the algae while the greater (tall and white) feed on crustaceans. The chorus of thousands of flamingo’s together sounds very much like a rumbling engine in the distance. The hippos lay at the edge of the water right where a fresh water stream seeps into the lake, making it the perfect place to sun themselves and the flamingos to enjoy bathing while the black-winged stilts feed along the shore” ~ John Banovich talking about one of his paintings with some flamingos and hippos in the Ngoro Ngoro crater.
Extra Large Canvas - Beauties and the Beasts - Flamingos and Hippos by John Banovich is available as a 44 x 68 image size limited edition giclee priced at $2,500 unframed.
Framed Canvas - Shown above with a Deluxe frame design using an imported wood from Italy called Verona wood. Outside frame size 54 x 78 priced at $4,200 complete. Takes 2 -3 weeks for framing.
They can be ordered framed or unframed. We are a full service custom frame shop and can build a design to meet any style or budget. Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. All artwork has been hand signed by the artist.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Extra Large Studio Size Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Giclee Canvas | 44 x 68 Image Size | 75 | $2,500.00 | |
Framed XL Studio Giclee Canvas | Outside Frame 54 x 78 Size | 75 | $4,200.00 |
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