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1940 Armistice Day Storm - Pheasants by Les C Kouba
1940 Armistice Day Storm - Pheasants by Les C Kouba
"The fall of 1940 was exceptionally warm and pleasant. The blizzard that hit the Midwest on Armistice Day that year took everyone by surprise. High winds, deep snow and bitter cold not only forced the ducks down from the north, but also lured hunters out into the marshes for the greatest duck shooting of their lives. Dozens of duck hunters froze to death, lost in the storm that night."
"...From the pheasant's point of view, blizzards have to represent nothing but danger and hardship. Hunkering down in whatever cover they can find, they are vulnerable to hunter and predator alike. But the real, most immediate danger to them is from the storm itself. To survive and keep from suffocating as the drifting snow builds up and buries them alive, they must keep breathing and then break free through the snow after the weather breaks. If the drifts become too crusted by the force of the wind, or by a layer of ice, this can be impossible. And after the storm, the pheasants must face the inevitable falling temperatures. They must find increasingly scarce food and do so in a weakened state. Ant they must be ready to face the next blizzard." ~ Les Kouba
Look for thirteen pheasants and a hidden rabbit in this art print. - 1940 Armistice Day Storm - Pheasants by Les C Kouba.
1940 Armistice Day Storm - Pheasants by Les C Kouba is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition prints with a 16 x 21-1/4 image size priced at $250 unframed.
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Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print LAST ONE | 16 x 21-1/4 Image Size | 3000 | $250.00 | |
Gold Stamp Collector's Edition Print | 16 x 21-1/4 Image Size | 300 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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