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Lutefisk Unlimited Stamp Print By Les Kouba
Lutefisk Unlimited Stamp and Print by Les Kouba
A classic and funny scene of a window at a brick market with sale signs for lingonberries, lefsa, lutefisk, sill, spekekjott, spekeskinke. A coffee grinder is on the store counter and a ball of twine hangs above. Outside a drooling dog eyes the yellow snow on the corner of the Olson Fish Company wooden rack of dried cod. Hanging rabbits, a thermometer showing cold temperature, and a snuff box and cigarette stub complete the picture. The 45 Kroner $5 stamp is framed below the print. A fun print and stamp for Scandinavian people. Signed by Les Kouba in lower right corner of print.
"As I recall the idea for the lutefisk stamp came about some time last December. The day was typical for Minnesota, cold and clear as a bell. As I looked out my kitchen window that morning, I figured it was as good a day as any to clear up that stack of odds and ends that was sitting on my desk collecting dust.
To keep me company I flipped on the radio and twirled the dial to WCCO. As I plowed through my work, I kept half-an-ear tuned to the Boone & Erickson ever popular morning program. My concentration was interrupted when I heard them say in their typical fun-loving way...'We're going to get our friend Les Kouba to design a lutefisk stamp.' I did a double-take, and figured that it would take Boone & Erickson to come up with such an idea. After thinking about the idea for awhile, I felt as an artist, that it was about time to bring a little fun into the world. All we seem to hear and read about is the negative side of things, never the positive. As you well know, there seems to be a stamp for just about everything that swims, flies or jumps. I figured a lutefisk stamp might be just what the doctor ordered." ~ Les C. Kouba
Lutefisk Unlimited Stamp and Print by Les Kouba is available for sale as a signed open edition prints with a 6-1/2 x 9 image size priced at $100 framed as shown above.
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Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed Open Edition Framed Print | 6-1/2 x 9 Image Size | Open Edition | $100.00 |
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