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The Pass - Bighorn Sheep By Stephen Lyman
The Pass - Bighorn Sheep by Stephen Lyman
Rocks are beautiful. For thousands of years they have stood in the sky, exposed to rain, snow, frost, wind, earthquake and avalanche and yet they still wear the bloom of youth. "I have climbed about these pinnacles," said artist Steve Lyman, "exploring the divided spaces they create, looking out from behind a cool shadow into the warm sunlight, always glad to dip my head in the high mountain sky, basking in the space around me." ~ Stephen Lyman
The pass elicits a distinct attitude from each big horned sheep. One has not crossed yet and is taking in a view of the scene by peering around and out of the shadow of the rock into the sunlight. It is not possible, however, to enter wholly over to the lighted side of the pass without making the jump, which is the focus of the pass. Another sheep, in complete shadow, is studying the jump, about to cross the divide, just as another ram already has, wholly in sunlight and going on with the journey.
The Pass - Bighorn Sheep by Stephen Lyman is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition of only 850 art prints with a 13-3/8 x 27-1/2 image size priced at $___ unframed.
Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. A Great wildlife art print of a Band of mature Big Horn Sheep feeding in the warm sun on the top of a rocky mountain, on sale painted by wildlife artist Stephen Lyman. This print was published in April of 1983.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 13-3/8 x 27-1/2 Image Size | 850 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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