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Wildflower Suite By Stephen Lyman
Wildflower Suite by Stephen Lyman
This is a close up landscape where the viewer is on their knees to investigate and appreciate the beauty and intricacy of little tiny things they might otherwise miss. All of these were found in the wilds of Yosemite at an elevation of over 10,000 feet.
These are scenes that are way out in the wilds. You get the feeling that nobody had ever seen them before and that nobody will again. They are little jewels of discovery from wilderness treks. "I decided to do wildflowers because it's a new approach to portraying the wilderness. It's a close up landscape, where I've brought the viewers to their knees, so to speak...to be more specific, to their hands and knees, to investigate and appreciate the beauty and intricacy of little tiny things they might otherwise miss." ~ Stephen Lyman
Wildflower Suite by Stephen Lyman is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition of only 1,250 canvas's with a 6 x 11 image size priced at $___ unframed.
Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. A Great wildlife art print of a bird sitting on a pine cone covered pine tree, on sale painted by wildlife artist Stephen Lyman. This painting was published in May of 1992
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 6 x 11 Image Size | 2250 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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