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Crow Calvary Scout By James Bama
Crow Calvary Scout by James Bama
This painting is a vertical portrait of a Crow Indian dressed in his cavalry uniform and holding a pistol. "Many of the Indian scouts for the U.S. Army were not full-bloods. Neither is this corporal I am portraying but he is a proud, dignified man, outfitted in a Civil War Infantry frock coat. He's got a Henry rifle and a 1858 Remington New Army pistol. He was a trusted and capable soldier who didn't make the Sioux too happy, since the Crow helped the Army fight the Sioux." ~ James Bama
Crow Indian Calvary Scout is available for sale as a signed and numbered limited edition print with a 21-1/4 x 13-1/2 image size priced at $___ unframed.
Order yours today. All artwork is professionally boxed and insured and guaranteed to arrive in mint condition. This painting was published in April of 1992. Western and Civil War and Indian War Scouts in art prints for sale framed any way you want or unframed.
Types | Dimensions | Edition Size | Price | Cart |
Signed And Numbered Limited Edition Print | 21-1/4 x 13-1/2 Image Size | 1000 | Please Inquire | Click to Inquire |
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