Here's Brett with the two winners of the pieces he donated at Art Barbarians' first ever Read more
Here's Brett with the two winners of the pieces he donated at Art Barbarians' first ever art cruise!
A Canada native, Brett Longley first came to the United States in 1985 to further his education. It was during his college days that he had the opportunity to illustrate book covers for a Minnesota based publishing house. Blessed with innate talent, a studious nature, and an incredible passion to create, Longley thrives on taking his art to the next level.
His inspiration started at an early age growing up with three family dogs. Some of his cherished memories can be retold of biking through the neighborhood with Chico the Chihuahua riding shotgun. Yes, it was a sight to see!
As a self-taugh artist, Longley has come to some deeper realizations about his passion for art. According to Brett, "Art is not something I do, it is who I am. It is not something I turn on and off, but with every breath it makes a deeper impact in my life. It is like a hunger that never goes away. To me, artists are children at play but instead of a pail and shovel in a sandbox, artist play with brushes, paint, and other cool stuff. the true joy of creating and an attitude of play is what I strive to show in my work."
As for Longley's long-term goals, well, let's just say he has many. We could fill a loose-leaf notebook with the ideas he comes up with weekly, but, as his friends say, "Don't get him going."
As for Longley's favorite breed of dog, it would have to be the sight hounds with the greyhound topping the list. One of his projected goals is to adopt six retired racers of his "Six Pack" as he affectionately calls it.
Who is Bret Longley? Some may say that he is an artist who loves dogs, or a dog lover who happens to be an arists. Either way you look at it, he is one dog guy you want to keep an eye on.
 Big Horn Sheep By Brett Longley
 Black Attack - Black Labrador Puppy By Brett Longley