Ken Zylla Classic Car and Wildlife artist.
Artist Ken Zylla's beginnings in art go back over forty years to a time and place where wildlife and nature provided the foundation for his career. As a native Minnesotan, he enjoyed unlimited access to the lakes, woods and rivers. Read moreKen Zylla Classic Car and Wildlife artist.
Artist Ken Zylla's beginnings in art go back over forty years to a time and place where wildlife and nature provided the foundation for his career. As a native Minnesotan, he enjoyed unlimited access to the lakes, woods and opportunity to become acquainted with nature that would eventually merge with his interest in art.
Self taught, Ken's success has been built on experimenting with color and technique. The unique style of Artist Ken Zylla's painting has earned him the distinction of being one of the few artists who are recognized by their work.
Throughout his career, Classic cars Artist Ken Zylla has distinguished himself for creating a dimension in his compositions that truly bring his paintings to life. As you study his work, it is easy to appreciate the story-telling ability that describes the detail of an event or place that you may have experienced yourself. With bold color and attention to detail, Ken creates a dialogue with the everyday pieces of our lives. His blending of the elements, such as weather, sunlight, time of day, the seasons, along with his choice of subjects, bring each painting to a precise place in time.
Classic Car Artist Ken Zylla has had numerous successful shows. His work is displayed in several corporate and private collections throughout the United States and several foreign countries.
An artist's artist, Ken has shared his skills and techniques as a lecturer and teacher with students and fellow artists. As an active member of several conservation organizations, Ken lends support to their fund-raising efforts by publishing "Conservation Edition Prints" that are distributed throughout Minnesota and eleven other states.
Enjoy looking at all of the great Classic car art prints for sale, If you cannot find what your looking for be sure to call or email us. Old Chevy art prints for sale. Old Ford cars and Trucks in art prints for sale. Classic cars and trucks in signed and numbered limited edition art prints for sale. less
 A 60's Feature Presentation - Drive In Movie By Sandra Zylla Rolf
 A Day At The Auction - Auto Auction By Ken Zylla